Leaders often perceive innovation as the province of the few, isolated to white-lab coat wearing research scientists or "out-of-the-box" thinking marketers. 管理者往往将创新视为少数人的责任,把它交给穿着实验室白大褂的科研人员或善于打破惯性思维的营销人员。
But my ideal job is in the attention-seeking PR and event planning industry, where out-of-the-box thinking is valued. 但是我理想的工作是能够吸引眼球的公关及活动策划,这些行业看重这样的创新精神。
The two-day event, Humanity+@ Hong Kong, was the first in a series of three conferences convened in Hong Kong which were designed to explore the human condition, with out-of-the-box thinking. 这个为期两天的活动以Humanity+@HongKong为主题,是在香港举办的三个专场会议的第一场,旨在以另类思维探索人类状况。
Mr Hildreth says: No one has ever told you how a business is meant to work so you are better at out-of-the-box thinking. 希尔德雷思表示:没有人告诉过你企业该如何运作,因此你考虑问题时更不容易受到条条框框的束缚。
And I need some serious out-of-the-box thinking. 而我得好好做一番局势外的考虑。
"NIH's unique translational environment, where researchers can pursue intellectual high-risk, out-of-the-box thinking with high potential payoff, enabled us to pursue this work," he said. “NIH有独一无二的交流环境,在那里研究者可以追求一种伴随着高回报潜力的高风险、出格的知性思维,这使得我们的工作得以进行。”他说。
In my travels, I am invariably impressed by the energy, passion and out-of-the-box thinking that volunteers bring to their work in HIV. 在我所到之处,志愿人员为预防艾滋病的工作投入大量的精力、热情以及创新精神,常常令我难以忘怀。